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HOME Product Aquacultures


Disinfectant / Environment improvement agent

Lifejacket-T for aquacultures
  • Lifejacket-T for aquacultures
    Each tablet (5g) contains
    Potassium monopersulfate 2.5g
    Sulfamic acid 1.0g
    Malic acid 0.5g
    1) Disinfection in raising aquaculture and fighting against infectious disease caused by Gram
    positive bacteria, Gram negative bacteria, bacterial spores, virus, fungi and parasites.

    2) Disinfection of Dried cistern, Nursery cistern, Piping, Water wagon, Vehicle and fishing net.
Dosage and Administration

    Task Dilution rate Application rate
    Disinfection of pre-cleaned
    surfaces and equipment (including
    nets and aeration paddles
    1:100 (1%) Dissolve 1 tablet (5g) per 500ml
    of water, and apply 500ml p
    Footdips 1:100 (1%) Put 1 tablet (5g) per 500ml of
    water. Replenish every 4 days or
    when heavily soiled
    Boat and vehicle disinfection 1:200 (0.5%) Dissolve 1 tablet (5g) per 1000ml
    of water, and apply 1000ml per
    3.3 square meter(m2)
    Water preparation 1.2ppm Put 1 tablet (5g) per 4.16 metric
    ton(m3), 24 hours before
    introduction of PL
    Grow-out phase 0.3-0.5ppm Every 7 days
    Waste water – especially if there is
    a risk of disease transfer
    1.2ppm On discharge
Packing unit
    100 Tablet, 200 Tablet
    · Do not mix with other chemicals.
    · However diluted solutions in accordance with recommended dilution
    rate is not irritative, in case of contact with eyes or skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
    · Use impervious gloves, goggles and a mask.
    · Use suitable device.
    · Keep out of reach of children.